Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winners for Ms. D's Seminar

Congratulations to the winners of our blog and Facebook raffles.

But first, here's what we did:

1. We printed out the comments in the blog and in Facebook.

2. We cut it up, rolled it and put it in a glass bowl. One for the blog entries and one for FB entries.

Blog Entries

FB Entries

3. We drew the winners. And they are:

Blog - Mr. Angel Henson

Facebook - Bless Baltazar!

Congratulations to our winners!

Please email your contact details to


  1. Hi! Ms.D Congratulations!. I am very proud of you, for you to have this, you have so much sharing of your talent for every one neededs you. May you well continue your blesses knowledge and God Blesses you Always.

  2. Thank you very much Cynth! Please visit us again. We will be posting more tips soon.

  3. Congratulations Ma'am D for successful as a image consultant. I am really proud of you.

  4. Congratulations to the raffle winners! You are very lucky indeed to have won a slot to the Image Forum where Ms. D is the main speaker.

    Ms. D, although I did not win, you will still see me at the forum. I'm looking forward to meeting you personally and to learning useful presentation techniques/tips from your talk.

  5. @Leo - Thank you very much.

    @Chinky Eyes - I'm glad we would see you later today at the forum. Please don't be shy and say hi.
