Saturday, March 5, 2011

Recession-Proof Shopping

 “I never have enough money for the items I need to buy.” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? “Why did I ever buy that perfume? I have more than a year’s supply at home.” How about this familiar gripe? “Everything is too expensive. The only thing that doesn't go up is my income.”

The recession that started in America, spread to Europe and infected the rest of the world has caused so much anxiety among the average income earners and of course has stifled the ordinary shoppers.

There has to be a way to shop without going bankrupt. Here are a few suggestions to sail from payday to payday without spending everything you have earned.  In fact, you can still shop, save money and even have fun in the process.

1. Practice delayed gratification – Avoid buying on impulse. “This is a common weakness among people and can be avoided by making a list of things to buy ahead of time and crossing out items that are not absolutely needed.

2. Veer away from the “bargain syndrome” – I used to be “sucked in” to a buying spree every time I saw any of these signs: “Buy One Take  One,” “50% Discounts,””Closing Out Sale,” etc.  As a result, I ended up throwing it away when I discovered it in a secluded corner of one of my closets and noticed the expiry dates.

3. Canvass first – Take time to visit several shops first and compare quality and price before buying. Sometimes, cheaper is not always better.  Especially when it comes to clothing apparel, the best gauge to determine its value is how often you can wear it until it starts looking old. Food items are even more critical. Our stomach and health could be adversely affected, if we buy based on price alone. You may decide to buy the lower-priced item only if the other item is of the same quality.

4. Cook your own food – Eating at restaurants or buying food from delicatessens can add up to a lot of money. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much you have saved simply by eating at home or bringing a lunch box to your office. Others take their lunches at reasonably-priced canteens.

5. Bring bottled water – This will save you money and save your health as well. You will be tempted to buy bottled beverages or cans of soda if you don’t have bottled water with you.

This is just a short list to start thinking about buying only what you truly need and not whatever you want. It helps to ask God for will power to resist the numerous temptations to buy what you see on TV ads or huge billboards around town as well. The money that you save today could help build your “nest egg” for tomorrow.