Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are You Stressed Out?

photo from getty images
Since my husband’s death last March 12, my stress level has been rising steadily.  Not only was his death so sudden, he neglected to prepare for it. He did not leave any will, which made me work overtime just to meet all the legal requirements of the US Embassy for them to issue a death certificate.  I also have to deal with the staff of the US bank where his personal account is deposited and collaborate with his living heirs, his three children who are all living in America.
He was so used to assisting me with all the technical aspects of my business and training programs, that he was the only one who knew where all the equipment were and the tools  that went with it. You can just imagine all the searching and testing that went on before we finally made our computers, sound systems, video cameras and other equipment function normally.
photo from getty images
The financial mess that ensued from his sudden death is too painful to even be recalled. Suffice it to say that for the first time in two decades, I am paying my credit cards in installments. You see, I have made it a habit to settle all my credit card bills the moment I receive it, so that I don’t get charged with monthly interest.  As a result, I have to work harder just to pay all my other bills on time.
On top of all these, several clients demanded that I conduct my training programs all in the month of May! They all had their deadlines to fulfill. I had no choice.  But wait, all but two of the programs will be conducted out-of-town, which means that I will be losing man-hours in travelling.
At the time of this writing, I completed one session with resounding success, with three regions of DEPED extending their invitation for me to conduct the same program, “Enhancing Personal and Professional Image.”
The point is, in the process of pleasing my customers and constantly asking for God’s help in focusing on the task at hand and giving me a “second wind,” I discovered that my stress level lowered considerably. I actually started enjoying what I was doing and savoring the adventure of being in a brand new environment.
What did this experience teach me? I realized that most of our tension and stress are self-induced. Our preconceived notions of how things ought to be done and how situations should be handled get in the way of our own happiness and well-being. In other words, when we learn to “go with the flow,” we are doing ourselves a great favor. We start to perform with energy and enthusiasm and effortlessly reach our peak levels.

I look forward to conducting my other programs, especially “Delighting Your Customers” for the employees of El Nido Resorts in Palawan.
Look for El Nido Resorts in the internet and you will see why it is such a pleasure to be there. It is so lovely, it takes my breath away. It is like being in a little piece of heaven, your own paradise. Yes, indeed, I have a lot to be thankful for.
The next time you feel like shouting, pulling your hair, and saying “Give me a break…”stop, breathe deeply and find a reason to be joyful. Appreciate what you have and anticipate the graces and blessings our Lord has in store for you. It never ceases to amaze me, how we can turn our life around, just by changing the way we think.
Think about it. Are you really stressed out, or just venting out?