Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beware of Scams

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If you are like most people, who have only the best intentions in mind, you are most likely going to be another victim to the myriad of scams going around.

Imagine my surprise when I got an email, telling me that I stand to inherit a fortune of over  $18m, because of my surname. The sender explained that he is a lawyer who is looking for someone with the Loomis surname, because he used to work for a self-made millionaire who cut off relations with his relatives in the US over twenty years ago. He also warned me not to mention it to anyone and that all I have to do is sign documents that he will prepare claiming that I am the lone next of kin of the deceased millionaire. Of course, I consulted a lawyer friend, who immediately searched the web and discovered hundreds of similar cases all done thru the net. By this time, the sender was very eager to start the transaction and urged me to act with haste. When I did not reply anymore, the messages abruptly ceased.

Photo from

Con artists also use the cell phone for their scams. These are easier to detect though, because of the absurdity of their claims, like you have just won several hundred thousand pesos in a raffle contest, and all you need to do is give your bank account details, so they can deposit your winnings directly. Who can possibly fall for such a lie?

They are everywhere…just waiting for another gullible soul to fall prey to their tricks.

Catching them would be next to impossible, because they remain anonymous, and you never get to see them at all. So, how do you stop them? You can’t…they simply vanish and move on to other possible victims.  The next best thing is to warn others and stay on guard for whatever new or novel and elaborate schemes they might create next time.
As the familiar saying goes, “If it is too good to be true, it is not true at all.”