Friday, January 7, 2011

Making Travel Easy and Fun

Travel has been both a boon and a bane for travelers worldwide.” ”I accomplished so much during my business trip. I just wish I could have done it without traveling.”

How can we travel without so much hassle and pain? Here are a few ways to make the experience a little more pleasant and a little less of a strain:

1. Plan ahead – rushing causes heartburn and forces us to adjust our activities to fit our last-minute schedules. When this happens, we start our trip with a lot of tension and headache.

2. Make a list – nothing beats a list. Believe me, it’s worth the effort. My husband, Brooks, is proof of this. He has everything neatly in place anywhere we go, because he always makes a list. This also saves time and aggravation, since we don’t have to shop for things that we forget to bring.

3. Travel light – Most people don’t realize that on a one-week trip, they don’t have to bring a different set of clothes for each day. Men can have a shirt for each day, and one set of coat and pants to match the shirts, while women can have a blouse for each day and one set of blazer and skirt or slacks to match the blouses. This will greatly lighten their luggage and allow them some room for buying souvenir items.

4. Bring a favorite book, your e-book reader or your iPad – waiting in airport lounges or long flights will cease to be boring when we can enjoy reading our favorite book or browse through our iPads.

5. Be friendly - smile and speak to people who are not otherwise engaged in conversations with others. You will be surprised at how many interesting new friends or business contacts you will be able to meet at airports or hotels. My latest trip to the U.S. is proof of this. I was able to establish new business contacts in Japan and the U.S. simply by paying attention to other travelers and striking up a friendly conversation.

6. Get updated information on security at airports – Keep all items that could be confiscated by security agents inside your check-in luggage. You could be saving yourself the agony of having to give up some attractive gift or personal items.

Go ahead and continue with your travel plans. Make 2011 your banner year. Life can be more rewarding and adventurous when you can convert traveling into enjoyable events instead of unavoidable hurdles.