Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to Beyond Looking Good!

Growing up, I discovered I have a flair for fashion and style. Now, as an image consultant, I share this talent with others who are either clueless on what suits them or too busy to bother.

Looking good is important but, there are other important things as well:  social graces, sense of humor, street smarts, intelligence, to name a few. Psychiatrist and author, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, aptly said:

I agree, and that is why Beyond Looking Good is here. Get tips on fashion, lifestyle, social graces, communication skills, and etiquette. It is my hope that Beyond Looking Good will grow into a community of people who values Beauty WITH Substance. 

Send your comments, style concerns, etiquette dilemmas, and whatever it is you need advise on.  Together, we will develop a brand new you that is beyond looking good.


  1. It's about time that a Filipina image consultant will devote some time to uplifting the self-esteem and self-confidence of men and women in this country. I look forward to getting more information from her. Alicia T.

  2. Ms.D! I'm so glad you've started this blog. I followed your advice. I did not get rid of my predominantly black wardrobe but, now i have new scarves and loose vests in my colors. What's great is that I've been getting compliments eversince.

  3. Hi, Ms. D. It's great that there's now a Filipino blogsite with a global flavor which I can regularly visit to update myself on image enhancement, business etiquette, social graces, communication skills, and other related topics. I believe these topics should be of supreme interest to all, to have a competitive edge in this highly globalized 21st Century. I completely agree with you that looking good is important, but it has to be complemented with other aspects, to be a success in one's personal and professional life. I'm already excited to read and comment on your succeeding blogs. Keep 'em coming, Ms. D, and more power to you!

  4. Hi! Mam D, "Beyond Looking Good" is very much fit as your capability, which grows sun shine into new born community. God Bless!

  5. Hi!!! Mam D, Its my pleasure to read this blogsite. Thank God there's a Filipina realized about personality development. I assure Mam there's alot of women and men visit your blog more power and God Bless!

  6. This is a very timely information, Ms. D. One of my friends is looking for tips on communication skills, because she is always talking with the friends of her foreign employer. Please keep me posted. Thank you and more power! Angel G.

  7. oh WOW! it's about time. so happy for you mom. will post this on my facebook soon. all the best and all my love! always, germaine

  8. Hi Ms. D - I know you will not be able to remember me. However, we have met before in one of the Philippine Association of Secretaries' (PAS) Conferences. You were one of our speakers. You made a great impact and from then on serves as an ideal model for our group. I wish you more health and success. Keep it up. We need more like you! Zeny Suarez-Red (Toronto, ON)

  9. Thank you very much for the warm response and kind words.

    @ Alicia T - Don't worry this is just a start. We will be posting frequently so please visit us soon.

    @ Ikay - Don't forget your earrings! Get rid of that studs and explore the world of big, chunky earrings!

    @ Lani - I completely agree! Beauty WITH Substance--Beyond Looking Good that is my advocacy.

    @Cynth - Thank you. I'm happy that I can now focus on my image consultancy and this blog.

    @ Leo - It's great that a man like you is interested in image enhancement and personality development. Rest assured that there will be something for men in Beyond Looking Good.

    @Angel - Please feel free to recommend us to your friend and, don't forget to visit us again yourself. Soon we will have Twitter and Facebook accounts you can join to keep you up to date.

    @Germaine - Thank you! Hugs and kisses!

    @ Zeny - It's times like these that it makes all the hard work worthwhile! Thank you for remembering me and I'm so glad that I was able to help you back then.

    Again, thank you all and don't forget to come back soon.

    Between us, we can develop a brand new you that is Beyond Looking Good.!

    Dina =)

  10. Hi Ms D!

    I attended one of your seminars a few weeks ago where you talked about the topic "Does Your Fashion Sense Match Your Business Style?"

    Just wanted to say thank you for saving me from many office fashion fiascos I've been making for so many years. Now I get a lot of nice compliments from my officemates.:-)

    Thank you! Thank you!

    "Office Wallflower"

  11. @Wallflower - It's so nice to receive compliments, isn't it? I'm so glad I was able to help you. Keep on polishing your business style and you'll be a wallflower no more.

  12. Wow! This blog is super helpful! Getting free, updated, practical and very valuable tips on how I can maximize my existing wardrobe is indeed a great service to the public.

    Congratulations for coming up with this extra special blog!!!


  13. Ms. D, You may want to consider 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Let your beauty not be external, the braiding of hair and wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes but the inner person of the heart, the lasting beauty of a gentle and tranquil spirit, which is precious in God's sight"

    Beyond looking good is self-centered, prideful, and arrogant you...???

  14. ^^ that's a good Bible verse. However, i feel that your comment is not relevant to what Ms. D intends to impart. She clearly stated that her desire is for "Beyond Looking Good to grow into a community of people who values Beauty WITH Substance".

  15. @Anonymous

    “Thank you for taking the time to read my new blog. I always welcome comments from everyone. You have seen only my first few blog messages, since I just started my blog two weeks ago.

    “In my coming blogs, I will explain more carefully and clearly the reason why I chose the tagline “Beyond Looking Good.”

    “I believe to be truly beautiful, an individual has to have God in his life and project God’s love through his words and actions. Thus, this belief is the foundation for my domain’s title.

    “By the way, I am currently the President of the Christian Women in Business Foundation, Inc. I am also deeply involved in philanthropy projects for the Association of Image Consultants International, as well as the Christian Women’s Foundation. My daughter has been a dedicated missionary for the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ for nearly 30 years.

    “I have memorized the verse that you quoted in your comment, because I include it often in my public speaking engagements and seminars.

    “There is joy and peace in my heart and spirit, because I am a Christian and boldly declare this in public at every opportunity.

    “I like to dress my best at all times, because it makes me feel good, and I bring honor and glory to God when people can see the sparkle in my eyes.

    “I am impassioned to uplift individuals to reach their God-given potential and be the best that God created them to be. It is my hope that you will continue to read my blogs and benefit from them as well.

    “Have a joyful celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

    Ms. D

  16. Hi Ms. D, I agree 100% that “to be truly beautiful, an individual has to have God in his life and project God’s love through his WORDS and ACTIONS” but there are people proclaim publicly that they are Christian, they have God in their lives, but they don’t walk their talks. They don’t even understand the word, maybe they can be called “professing Christian” because if they truly accepted Christ in their lives the bible says: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. We can bring honor and glory to God if we obey and do his commandments.

    Whatever we are doing, let us not be looking to man’s approval. Let us keep our eyes unto God’s approval. Let us also consider our attitude and behavior towards other people not only in front of the public but most specially to the people close to us, who always there for us, who always help us…I believe these are all part of beyond looking good.

    Hope you can impart the true beauty inside out thru this blog,

    God bless!

  17. Dear Reader,
    I’m truly amazed at the time and effort you are devoting to my blog site.

    I pray that others who have read your comments will take them in the spirit that you have given them. I have heard of instances in the past when many others felt offended when some Christians seemed to take a “holier than thou” attitude and started lecturing them about how they should talk, behave and live their lives.

    Even the senior officers of the Association of Image Consultants International have cautioned me about proclaiming my faith publicly in a diverse crowd. This incident happened when I requested to be allowed to pray at the end of our overseas teleconference call. Because international consultants are practicing different religions, they are careful not to offend others who don’t believe in Jesus Christ.
    It is in this context that I have to exercise caution in the use of words and phrases that will be crafted in my articles.

    I understand that you cannot possibly relate to everything that will be included in my articles, since you are obviously not an image consultant. The good news is I will be incorporating the spiritual side of personality development, without spoon feeding my readers with Biblical verses which could turn off other readers.

    I am practicing my faith and Christianity in the best way I knowhow – helping others to be the best that God created them to be.

    I am careful to steer clear away from the path of putting myself above all the rest, because I am imperfect, too, just like all others, Christians and non-believers alike.

    As long as we are alive, we go through the process of learning and relearning how to live life like Jesus, our one and only true savior. There is not only one way to do it, we all search for THE WAY. This is our PERSONAL JOURNEY.

    Ms. D.
