Sunday, August 19, 2012


There is hope for anyone who is overweight. It starts with a desire to live a healthy lifestyle, a determination to stick to a low calorie diet and discipline to maintain a regular physical activity.

Let’s take a look at five sure ways to lose weight:

1. Eliminate white rice and “white carbohydrate” foods like bread, cereal, potatoes, pasta and fried food with breading. Carbohydrates raise insulin levels the most. Reducing it way down will also make the body’s fat cells stop producing extra fat and stop holding on to fat. The brain makes the appetite go down, and the body starts losing weight.

A close friend, Gina, lost 22 pounds within 30 days simply by following a “rice free” diet. Our new IT specialist, Shayne, shed 12 pounds in two weeks by replacing white rice with sweet potatoes or oatmeal.

2. Walk at least 30-45 minutes daily. If your schedule does not allow it, you can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. Walking is a low impact physical activity that helps the heart, lowers the body’s cholesterol and burns calories.

Some busy individuals have discovered that they can still get the exercise they need by walking up and down the stairs instead of taking the elevators in buildings, and parking their cars further from their offices, so they can walk to and from their work.

3. Drink massive quantities of water daily, at least eight to ten glasses. I start taking one glass of water when I wake up right after I gargle with one cup of warm water mixed with a small pinch of iodized salt. Gargling clears my throat and makes me feel that I’m ready for my day.

If you feel tempted to drink anything with sugar, remember that water is still the best drink for your body to function well.

Avoid drinking sodas

4. Lessen your sweets. Choose yoghurt instead of ice cream, and dark chocolates instead of pudding. You can start taking tea and coffee without cream and sugar and resist the urge to munch on junk food for snacks. You can start the habit of bringing sliced apple, celery, carrot and nuts like almonds and walnuts for snack time.

Ice cream vs. Yoghurt

5. Finally, here’s a surprise for you. You can take one day off your usual diet. You can eat whatever you want at least once a week. This will make you feel full for many days and triggers your body to burn up more calories. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t down regulate from extended caloric restriction.

Just make sure that this happens only once a week. Eat your meals at home, whenever you can. Avoid the fast food syndrome. Home cooked meals with the healthy ingredients ensure that you live a long and healthy life.

If you can follow this five-step formula, you will be rewarded with a smaller waistline, stronger heart and sexier body.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Last August 1, 2012, I left Manila for Davao City to conduct my customized “Personality Development and Stress Management” seminar/workshop for the Small Business Corporation’s powerhouse group in Mindanao.

These very special people surprised me in many ways from the first moment I met them. Firstly, they were like millenials, although they were from the Gen X generation. Their levels of energy and enthusiasm were astounding. They were indefatigable and constantly pushing themselves all throughout the two-day program.

Color Analysis session

Secondly, they had an astonishing ability to absorb everything they just learned and immediately applied it in the drills and role plays after every demonstration. We also had hilarious bouts of laughter as certain types of personalities were revealed among them. For example,  they were shown the templates for the personality types and how to get along with each type, and identify the personality style of their bosses.  There was hysterical laughter,  because it turned out their bosses whom they identified as drivers, were among them.

Grooming and color analysis with James P. Sarabillo

Lastly, they accomplished something which no other group has done before. They made me cry, right in the middle of the second day of our training. How did it happen?

Barbecue night

The night after the first day of training, they invited me to a barbecue dinner with all participants present. During dinner, the subject of my birthday came up, because it was so close. The next day, they surprised me and delighted me no end. A super talented lady participant, Alona I. Quesada, who happens to be a church choir member, sang two songs for me.  One was the traditional birthday song and the second one was a spiritual song. All of a sudden, I broke into tears! They were tears of joy, because I never cry in public. I  have always exercised  supreme control over my emotions all my life, especially during trying times. This time, I discovered that when I’m happy, I’m no longer in command of my emotions. Who cares? It was such a great relief to be able to cry my heart out.

I’m so thrilled that they were profuse in their appreciation of all their new learnings, and that I was able to pass on the art of instant relaxation with them, thru the autogenics exercise. They also viewed the videos on other stress management techniques like yoga and the Tai Chi exercises.

This was a trip and a training program that I will always remember. It was the right place, the right time, and the right people…it was picture perfect. I could not have asked for more. And to think that I initially hesitated before accepting this contract, because of my hectic work schedule in Manila.

I learned a very important lesson with this event. Never turn down an opportunity for sharing your experiences, knowledge and skills with others. You never know what you will get!

What a fun loving group!