Saturday, December 29, 2012


It never ceases to amaze me when people who are seemingly “well to do”find themselves in a financial bind. It could happen anywhere to anyone.

Take my businesswoman friend, for example. She is talented, experienced and almost always wins over her rivals for corporate contracts. She earns a lot of money and then splurges it. She is constantly recruiting and hiring new employees, because her current ones cannot be paid their wages.

She intermittently calls me and some of her other friends to request for advances to pay for her bills. Her credit cards have been cancelled, because she could not pay for any of it.

Many homeowners in America had to give up their new homes, because they could not pay their monthly amortization. It is regrettable for those who lost their jobs, but there are others who deliberately applied for bank loans to buy homes that they know they could not afford.

What drives people to spend more than they could ever earn? What drives people to buy things that are way beyond their means? What drives people to go thru life like there was no tomorrow?

There is one philosophy that is worth emulating. I’m referring to Dr. Denis Waitley’s “delayed gratification” concept, which is highlighted in his program, “The Winners Edge.”

If people will realize that it is so much easier to save for our “dream vacation,” “dream house,” “dream car,” etc., there will be less trouble in relationships and more financial security for our future.

Let’s take a look at five practical ways to financial security:

1. Always spend less than your earnings. This way, you can set aside at least 20% of your income, 10% to be placed in your bank savings and 10% to be placed in investments;

2. Make a list of your expenses each month. Cross out items that are frivolous and wasteful, and give up expenses that you can do without. This will help you to save a little more money each month.

I gave up having a personal driver, when I realized that it is more practical to take taxi rides, and how much money I was wasting on a driver who did not drive everyday, since I didn’t go out everyday.

3. Postpone purchases or trips that will “cripple” your credit cards. Plan your shopping and holidays way in advance and make sure that it will not eliminate your savings.

I gave up two overseas trips last year, when our business was struggling. I’m finally planning to make one or two trips to attend education conferences next year, only because our business has improved remarkably well this year.

4. Look for ways to augment your current income. I know people who have added substantial amounts to their savings by getting involved in marketing and selling items that are consumables, thereby ensuring that they will always get repeat orders from their customers.

5. Find a reliable, competent and honest investment counsellor, who can help you start a “nest egg” for your future.

I’m so glad that I have a toastmaster friend who fits this bill, because the investments that she recommended to me have provided me with much needed extra funds for emergencies, like the sudden passing away of my husband last year.

We can all achieve financial security, as long as we make a firm commitment to stick to a disciplined lifestyle and observe frugality.

Here’s a video interview on my thoughts about frugality for your viewing.

Friday, October 26, 2012


If you’re single and looking for a possible mate, you must have already tried online dating. If you have tried online dating, you must also have experienced some frustration, disappointment or maybe decided to stop it altogether.

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Whether you have tried it or you’re just in the process of deciding to use online dating sites, here are a few items to consider:

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1. Beware of disreputable sites like and Quechup. Reports of these sites harvesting users’ info and contacts for use in email spams have been circulating for some time now.

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2. Beware of online predators. People who become suddenly amorous without even meeting you in person should be regarded with scepticism and suspicion. Remember that love doesn’t just happen overnight, especially if you have not met the person face to face.

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3. If you decide to meet someone in person, be sure to bring a friend or family member along. There is safety in numbers, and a predator will most likely avoid a scene in the presence of other people.

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4. Do not believe everything that is stated in the possible matches’ profile or photos. Some unscrupulous people provide fake profiles and photos to online dating sites. Do a little investigating first.

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5. and are two of the  most popular sites todate. You need to read the fine print in the sites, because even the best sites have questionable billing practices. Make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions stated in their pages before paying for your first subscription. Other sites claim that they offer their services for free, but you cannot send any message unless one or both parties upgrade their subscription.

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While many couples have found love and their soul mates thru online dating, I still believe that the best way to know someone is meeting him face to face. Of course, it means that you need to network and make yourself visible and accessible to the opposite sex. Just make sure that you are not perceived as a predator yourself. The best way to sell yourself is to observe the rules of civility: respect, restraint and responsibility. Proper manners is probably the second most important aspect in choosing a future mate. The first one is compatibility and appearance.
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You will never find out until you try it, so you can go thru the process of trying it, if only to make sure that you will not miss out on meeting your possible significant other.

Just remember to use logic and analytical thinking in choosing who you want to communicate with. Use your heart only when you have filtered out the inconsequential items in the information provided by your possible mates. It’s even better to pray and ask for spiritual guidance.

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Finally, surf thru the numerous online dating sites with a lot of caution. The digital age offers both advantages and disadvantages. It is, therefore, the user’s obligation to determine if it is beneficial to him or not. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My sister, Marlin, who is now living in New Zealand with her husband, is a breast cancer survivor. If you get to know her, it would be easy to understand why she has breezed thru her treatment and is now living a normal life. She is very careful with her diet and relaxes in her garden of resplendent blossoms, which she tends personally.

Her hobby, greeting card making, keeps her alert and enthused and her positive attitude is definitely infectious. Her circle of friends appreciate her company and she gets invited to their homes regularly.

Beyond that, it is her deep and abiding faith in God that keeps her strong and unperturbed. She has shared this health tip with me, and I’m passing it on to my friends and readers.

Instead of rushing to see a doctor and buying prescription drugs, consider stocking up on honey and cinnamon powder.
I was amazed to discover that the following common ailments can be easily cured by mixing honey and cinnamon powder:

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1. Heart disease – Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder and apply it on bread instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast.

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2. Arthritis – One cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon taken daily can cure even chronic arthritis.

3. Bladder Infections – Two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water can destroy germs in the bladder.

4. Cholesterol – Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water can reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent in two hours.

5. Colds – One tablespoon of honey with ¼ spoon of cinnamon powder taken daily for three days can cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.

6. Upset Stomach – Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and clears stomach ulcers from its root.

7. Gas – Honey taken with cinnamon powder relieves the stomach of gas.

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8. Immune System – Daily drinks of honey with cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks.

9. Indigestion – Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

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10. Influenza – Honey contains a “natural ingredient” which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

11. Longevity – Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age.

12. Raspy or Sore Throat – Take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three hours until throat is without symptoms.

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13. Pimples – Applying a paste of three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon on the pimples before sleeping and washing it off the next morning with warm water will remove the pimples from the root, when done daily for two weeks.

14. Skin Infections – Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts of the skin cures eczema and all types of skin infections.

Cinnamon and Honey Cure for Obesity
15. Weight Loss – Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person.

16. Cancer – Advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully when patients take a one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder three times a day for one month.

17. Fatigue – The vitality of the body increases within a week, when a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water sprinkled with cinnamon powder is taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 p.m.

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18. Bad Breath – Gargling with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning keeps the breath fresh the whole day.

19. Hearing Loss – Taking equal parts of honey and cinnamon powder daily morning and night restores hearing.
Need I say more?This is the most amazing and helpful information that I have ever received in years!

For further details, you may google:

The great news is we can all choose to be healthy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


There is hope for anyone who is overweight. It starts with a desire to live a healthy lifestyle, a determination to stick to a low calorie diet and discipline to maintain a regular physical activity.

Let’s take a look at five sure ways to lose weight:

1. Eliminate white rice and “white carbohydrate” foods like bread, cereal, potatoes, pasta and fried food with breading. Carbohydrates raise insulin levels the most. Reducing it way down will also make the body’s fat cells stop producing extra fat and stop holding on to fat. The brain makes the appetite go down, and the body starts losing weight.

A close friend, Gina, lost 22 pounds within 30 days simply by following a “rice free” diet. Our new IT specialist, Shayne, shed 12 pounds in two weeks by replacing white rice with sweet potatoes or oatmeal.

2. Walk at least 30-45 minutes daily. If your schedule does not allow it, you can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. Walking is a low impact physical activity that helps the heart, lowers the body’s cholesterol and burns calories.

Some busy individuals have discovered that they can still get the exercise they need by walking up and down the stairs instead of taking the elevators in buildings, and parking their cars further from their offices, so they can walk to and from their work.

3. Drink massive quantities of water daily, at least eight to ten glasses. I start taking one glass of water when I wake up right after I gargle with one cup of warm water mixed with a small pinch of iodized salt. Gargling clears my throat and makes me feel that I’m ready for my day.

If you feel tempted to drink anything with sugar, remember that water is still the best drink for your body to function well.

Avoid drinking sodas

4. Lessen your sweets. Choose yoghurt instead of ice cream, and dark chocolates instead of pudding. You can start taking tea and coffee without cream and sugar and resist the urge to munch on junk food for snacks. You can start the habit of bringing sliced apple, celery, carrot and nuts like almonds and walnuts for snack time.

Ice cream vs. Yoghurt

5. Finally, here’s a surprise for you. You can take one day off your usual diet. You can eat whatever you want at least once a week. This will make you feel full for many days and triggers your body to burn up more calories. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t down regulate from extended caloric restriction.

Just make sure that this happens only once a week. Eat your meals at home, whenever you can. Avoid the fast food syndrome. Home cooked meals with the healthy ingredients ensure that you live a long and healthy life.

If you can follow this five-step formula, you will be rewarded with a smaller waistline, stronger heart and sexier body.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Last August 1, 2012, I left Manila for Davao City to conduct my customized “Personality Development and Stress Management” seminar/workshop for the Small Business Corporation’s powerhouse group in Mindanao.

These very special people surprised me in many ways from the first moment I met them. Firstly, they were like millenials, although they were from the Gen X generation. Their levels of energy and enthusiasm were astounding. They were indefatigable and constantly pushing themselves all throughout the two-day program.

Color Analysis session

Secondly, they had an astonishing ability to absorb everything they just learned and immediately applied it in the drills and role plays after every demonstration. We also had hilarious bouts of laughter as certain types of personalities were revealed among them. For example,  they were shown the templates for the personality types and how to get along with each type, and identify the personality style of their bosses.  There was hysterical laughter,  because it turned out their bosses whom they identified as drivers, were among them.

Grooming and color analysis with James P. Sarabillo

Lastly, they accomplished something which no other group has done before. They made me cry, right in the middle of the second day of our training. How did it happen?

Barbecue night

The night after the first day of training, they invited me to a barbecue dinner with all participants present. During dinner, the subject of my birthday came up, because it was so close. The next day, they surprised me and delighted me no end. A super talented lady participant, Alona I. Quesada, who happens to be a church choir member, sang two songs for me.  One was the traditional birthday song and the second one was a spiritual song. All of a sudden, I broke into tears! They were tears of joy, because I never cry in public. I  have always exercised  supreme control over my emotions all my life, especially during trying times. This time, I discovered that when I’m happy, I’m no longer in command of my emotions. Who cares? It was such a great relief to be able to cry my heart out.

I’m so thrilled that they were profuse in their appreciation of all their new learnings, and that I was able to pass on the art of instant relaxation with them, thru the autogenics exercise. They also viewed the videos on other stress management techniques like yoga and the Tai Chi exercises.

This was a trip and a training program that I will always remember. It was the right place, the right time, and the right people…it was picture perfect. I could not have asked for more. And to think that I initially hesitated before accepting this contract, because of my hectic work schedule in Manila.

I learned a very important lesson with this event. Never turn down an opportunity for sharing your experiences, knowledge and skills with others. You never know what you will get!

What a fun loving group!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Personality development has been talked about for decades, and individuals and organizations have devoted time and resources to studying it. But how many people have taken the time to study persona profiling?

Allan N. Mulholland, the author of “The Power of Persona Profiling,” clearly illustrates why it is even more important for people to take time and resources to study persona profiling.

Why? We cannot change our personality. Our genes were passed on to us, and we will exhibit our inherited tendencies in the process of living our lives. Our persona, however, is a different matter. We can control and change it at will.

Personality is defined as the sum total of our unique gifts and talents that form the blueprint of our identity. Persona is the character that we project in public.

There are no right or wrong personality traits. The secret to a happier and more successful life is to identify our Type A and Type B personality traits and “bundle”those traits that fit together. We need to find our correct Ph balance.

We also need to study the personality styles of people we interact with, and carefully adjust our own style to theirs, to elicit positive and affirmative reactions.

I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing these principles along with other  significant elements to creating a lasting positive impression on our customers and relevant people in our life during the conduct of my “Impressions Management” seminar/workshop at Bostik Philippines, Inc. at their Ortigas offices last Friday, July 20, 2012.

It was also a great opportunity for me to introduce the latest addition to our trainers/facilitators team, CJ Virata-Jimenez. CJ is a talented and caring make up artist whose passion is bringing out the best in each of her clients. She is a certified image consultant, who is an active member of the Association of Image Consultants, International.

The last module of my seminar/workshop was dedicated to a make up demonstration for the benefit of the all-female participants. It was well received and elicited excitement when CJ gave away a kit of make up brushes to one lucky participant thru a raffle draw.

For more information on “The Power of Persona Profiling,” you may look up

Ms. D exchanging humorous banter with the participants of Impressions Management.

Ms. D explaining the difference between personality and persona.

Certified Image Consultant Ms. D conducting a color analysis with Red Corazon S. Reyes of Bostik Phils., Inc.

Make up artist CJ Virata-Jimenez explaining the proper make up techniques.

Using a make up brush for smoother application of foundation.

CJ demonstrating how to blend eye shadows.

CJ and Ms D relaxing after the make up demo.